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Fight the


What do you do when government exceeds its authority?


It's Just a Mask.

All you have to do is cover half of your face whenever you are trying to interact, block part of your visual field, give up getting a deep breath of fresh air, and overheat. And do it to your kids.

or else.


St. Joseph County voted for FINE$ to enforce mask wearing.


Indiana has given county government


to support their mask measures.


Are We Okay with


We should be able to wear masks, but should we be FORCED to?

What Can We Do?

Reach out to officials, local media, and those around you.

Coming Up Next:

The Lawsuit:
We were successful!  The health department acknowledged that it did not have the authority to issue orders.


Now we need to convince the County Council to drop the mask law they issued, it is set to be revisited in April.


Click here for info on the April meeting.


South Bend, Indiana County-City building


Despite widespread reporting that the ordinance would not apply to individuals, Dr. Einterz has upon questioning said that it does, on repeated occasions.

But you don’t need him to tell you that, you can read it yourself:

Masked Science

This battle is about personal liberties and government takeover, but there is also a lot of discussion over the efficacy of masks, as well as the negative consequences, health and otherwise, of wearing them.

Additionally, there is the muted controversey of the “pandemic” at large: how does COVID-19 stack up compared to other recent viruses, including the flu (and why is it this virus we’re reacting so strongly to)?

If you are interested in learning more about these informational aspects, head over to our social media profiles where you can find expert analysis and other interesting articles, on and off topic.

Contact Us

Local Government Needs to
Stop Overreacting & Overreaching
with Corona Virus Mandates

  • Mandates and fines are an overreach, especially when masks failed to stop the spread.​


  • There is not an emergency in St. Joe County.​


  • The Health Dept has acted overly aggressive and out of proportion to the actual reality of the virus situation, still the community has been overwhelmingly compliant.​


  • We need more oversight of local government.

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